Tips for Your First Week of College

It’s crazy to think I started college a year ago. I was brimming with so much anxiety and dread. Just like most major life events, college is idealized in the media. College websites show happy students studying in the grass. Movies portray college life as one huge party with drugs, bad decisions, etc. I just didn’t didn’t know what to expect.

I could tell you not to worry like a lot of people told me, but as an anxious person, I don’t want to make anyone think starting college is easy. Everyone who starts college is anxious about it, I promise you’re not the only one! Everyone will struggle with something their first year of college, whether it’s being away from home for the first time, adjusting to the academic load, making friends, etc.


Tips for Your First Day:


-Arrive on Campus Early

Find out how much time it takes to get from wherever you live (home or the dorm) to campus. I would recommend adding at least 20-25 minutes to however long your commute time is if you live off campus. Giving yourself the luxury of taking your time should help manage or reduce anxiety. All these extra minutes can be used for finding the time to park, finding your way to your new class, and getting there on time.


-Use Snapchat

This is not what you think! The Snapchat map (is it called snapmap?) has very detailed labels of campus buildings which is very helpful when you’re trying to find your way around on new terrain. The Snapchat map is super easy to navigate when you’re walking around because you can easily see a bird’s eye view of campus. Snapchat is an unlikely friend in this case.


-Pick Up a Paper Map

I listed this tip after Snapchat because if you can’t easily find a paper map, Snapchat is right there on your phone, but a paper map is really helpful too! I found a paper map of campus in the school library on my first day of college that I found immensely helpful. I kept this map in my bag for the first couple weeks just as a safety net.


-Make Your School Schedule Your Lock Screen Saver

When you’re finding your way to class, it’s really helpful to have the room and building numbers right there on your lock screen instead of having to dig through your pictures to find your schedule. Also, when I’m adjusting to a new schedule, I find it really helpful to physically see my schedule lots of times so I’m less likely to get caught off guard.


-Keep Breathing

You’ve had your first day of elementary school, middle school, and high school. You’ve done “new” before! As a change hater myself, I know how hard change can be, but I promise you’ll get the hang of it. 


Tips for Your First Week of College:


-Get a Planner

I talked about how wonderful planners are in my post, Gear to Help You Be Successful in College, but I thought I’d mention it again! It’s really hard to keep track of what’s due in every class especially while balancing out of school activities like work. Save yourself some anxiety (and missed assignments) by writing everything down in a planner. 


-Download the Headspace App

Whether you’re in college or not, I believe meditation can help you in whatever stage of life you’re in. Headspace has guided meditation packs which makes it really easily to learn how to practice mindfulness throughout your day. If you’re a student, a one year subscription is only $10! There are a couple meditation packs specifically geared towards college stressors like living away from home and anxiety. It’s been awhile since I did Headspace, but I’ve gotten back into it this week and I can really notice a difference in my mood. 


-Talk to Someone Familiar

Starting your first week of college can be overwhelming because there’s just so much new in your life. Giving one of your parents or an old friend a call (especially if you’re living away from home) can help you feel more grounded. Don’t just text them, it’ll probably feel better to call. 


-Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions

If you can’t find a building or you don’t know how something works (Ex: printers in the library), just ask! I’m going into my sophomore year of college and I still ask people questions about how something works on campus. I’m not going to say everyone is going to be friendly (people are people), but everyone on campus has gone through what you’re going through right now (including professors). 


-Say Hi to People

As an introvert, making friends is really hard for me. When I started college, I just wanted to blend in and be invisible. Small talk is so difficult for me, but saying hi doesn’t have to be so scary. Saying hi to people I sit around in lecture hall, makes college just a little less daunting. If we’re being 100% honest, making friends in huge lecture halls in really difficult, but if your classes break up into smaller groups for labs and stuff, it’s way easier to have conversations with people.


-Consider Making an Appointment with a Counselor on Campus

This doesn’t necessarily have to be done during your first week of school, but I would highly recommend it! Starting college (or just being in college in general) can be overwhelming and it’s totally okay to seek out professional help. You don’t have to wait until you’re drowning to talk to someone. College counselors are there for you and they’re free!


Most college students are more afraid of the social side of college than the academic work. Before college started, I was absolutely terrified that I was going to have to go to parties. I hate parties. Parties are supposed to be fun, but for me, party’s are high doses of anxiety, dread, and itching my hands. If you don’t want to go to parties, you don’t have to go.

My Nana passed away about a month before college started, so I was completely stubborn about what I did and did not want to do. I needed time to heal and my house with my pets was a healing space for me so I didn’t go to parties. The college experience really is whatever you make of it. You can party, get involved with student council, etc. You can be as involved or uninvolved as you want. You will be okay!


  1. Didier | 19th Aug 19

    I still remember my first week at college! It wasn’t an easy adjustment at first but it was fun none the less!


    • Jill Gilbert | 25th Aug 19

      It is definitely tough to get in the swing of things with such a major change!

  2. vanessa | 21st Aug 19

    You got this! Happy 1 week back of College!
    Sending so much love your way!
    xoxo, Vanessa

    • Jill Gilbert | 25th Aug 19

      Thank you!!! I really appreciate it! 😀

  3. Kathrin | 24th Aug 19

    These are great tips! I do remember the first week of college being really tough. I especially think the point about getting there early and having access to a map and your schedule with the exact room numbers is a must.

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

    • Jill Gilbert | 25th Aug 19

      Yeah the first week of college was not my favorite time haha. Thank you for reading! 🙂

  4. Jessica | 24th Aug 19

    Such a fun read! Wishing you all the best in your college journey dear!

    Jessica |

  5. Bri | 25th Aug 19

    “Use Snapchat. It’s not what you think!” — 😂😂 ahahaha, loved it! Nice tips! Actually had no idea about the Snapchat map! I deleted the app many times ago and never opened since 🙂 By the way, you look so chic in these jeans and top! Love the look!

    xx Bri |

    • Jill Gilbert | 25th Aug 19

      Hahaha thank you so much! I hardly ever use Snapchat other than sending videos to my family and bf, but the map is very helpful!

  6. vanessa | 25th Aug 19

    I did what you have mentioned on my first year too!

    • Jill Gilbert | 25th Aug 19

      I’m glad to hear other people did the same thing!

  7. Aly | 30th Aug 19

    These are some great advice.

    check out my post

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