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Browsing Tag: Self care

Life Update: Spring 2021

Hello! I am back from my brief blogging break to share a life update. I took these past couple weeks off to finish out my semester. I really missed blogging and being creative, but I knew I had to take a break to focus on school without overloading myself. Today I wanted to share a little bit about my life in 2021 so far. It’s been a difficult year and I feel it’s important to talk about the lows sometimes in this blogging/social media world because social media is typically a highlight reel of perfect moments. Everyone struggles, especially this past year, so I just want to say it is okay to not be okay.

4 Ways to Start 2021 Fresh

Ways to start 2021 fresh

Since 2020 was a dark year for all of us, I thought it would be fun to share four ways to start 2021 fresh to celebrate the turn of the new year. It will take a long time for the world to heal from everything that happened last year, but I think a new year is a good way to reinspire hope and turn a new page. Here’s ways to start 2021 fresh:

Quitting My Second Job

Quitting my second job

Today I am celebrating quitting my second job of the year. Last Sunday was my final shift working as a retail associate at Ulta. I started working there last July and it was my first real part time job where I worked close to 20 hours a week on top of school. I loved being around makeup all of the time, but I honestly didn’t enjoy that job very much. I’m happy to say I’ve finally quit that job!

5 Tips for Managing Anxiety During Election Season

As an anxious person, I wanted to write some tips for managing anxiety during election season. This year has been such a sh*t show and it’s difficult to not feel anxious all of the time especially with the intense political climate this year. In this post, I’m sharing ways to stay informed as a citizen while caring for your mental health and managing political anxiety. 

Harry Potter and the Curse of 2020

When the pandemic hit the United States in March, I decided it was time to reread the Harry Potter series. The world has felt devastatingly dark this year and I needed a good story like Harry Potter to keep my mind and heart occupied. I started rereading in March and I finally finished the last book a couple weeks ago when my fall semester started. Here’s some reflections I have after rereading the series:

5 Ways to Prepare for the Fall Semester

prepare for the fall semester

After taking the summer off school, it’s time to prepare for the fall semester again. It seems like this summer has gone by in a flash, but you know, what even is time during a pandemic? Today, I’m sharing some things I’m doing to get ready for another semester of college.

Read, Watch, Listen: July 2020

read watch listen

Every couple of months I love putting together Read, Watch, Listen posts to share a recent collection of stories I find interesting, good shows I’m watching, and other thought provoking pieces. Can you believe we’re already more than halfway through 2020? Yikes. The pictures in today’s post were taken in Lake Tahoe at sunset 🙂 Something about this Lush Boutique dress makes me feel like I’m ready to vacation in Paris and buy croissants from a local cafe… Anyways, let’s get into today’s read, watch, listen post.

How to Prepare for Difficult Conversations

Difficult Conversations

Between quitting my tutoring job and recently making a big life decision (I’ll share later), I’ve had a lot of nerve wracking conversations lately. I’m sharing tips on how to prepare for difficult conversations because communicating big changes can be really scary! Whether it’s a conversation in a professional setting or a personal relationship, I’ve curated tips to help you communicate everything you need to even when you’re nervous.

Ways to Self Care During Quarantine

Self care during quarantine

These strange times leave us with a lot of anxiety to sit with while stirring around at home. Even though we may not be as busy and bustling as we used to be, it is important to find ways to self care during quarantine.

7 Tips for Success in Online Classes

Online Classes

If you’re in college like I am, your classes are probably online now due to the coronavirus. Since taking classes virtually is very different from in person, I thought I’d share some tips for how to succeed in online classes. If I’m being 100% honest, online classes are not my favorite, but I’ve taken them over the years alongside my regular schooling to learn some tips and tricks.