Harry Potter and the Curse of 2020

When the pandemic hit the United States in March, I decided it was time to reread the Harry Potter series. The world has felt devastatingly dark this year and I needed a good story like Harry Potter to keep my mind and heart occupied. I started rereading in March and I finally finished the last book a couple weeks ago when my fall semester started. Here’s some reflections I have after rereading the series:


As a journalism student, I couldn’t help but pay attention to the role journalism plays in the wizarding world. From book 4 on, we see the complex relationship between journalism (The Daily Prophet), the government (The Ministry of Magic), and public opinion. I was really surprised that the books are much more political than the movies. While I think the Harry Potter series paints journalism in a negative light, it also shows how powerful journalism can be.

Journalism is not meant to be an ally to the government like it is in the Harry Potter series. It is meant to be a watchdog for the world on a local, nation, and international level. In book 5 when Luna Lovegood’s father publishes Harry’s story of Voldemort returning, we see how powerful the truth can be. I’m going to have to say Rita Skeeter might not be a good journalist lol :p

What if Hermoine was the chosen one?

While I absolutely love Harry’s character, I can’t help but wonder what the books would’ve been like if Hermione was the chosen one. Hermoine works extremely hard in school and is probably a more talented and knowledgeable wizard than Harry. While Harry outperforms her in bravery, the trio never would’ve been able to defeat Voldemort without her. She is a feminist character by being an intelligent young woman, but there’s just a part of me that wanted more for her in 2020.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was published in 1997 so she was a great feminist character for the time. I honestly don’t think that the books would’ve become as popular as they did if Hermoine was the main character because oftentimes, when a woman is the hero, men would rather read something else. Even though her character could’ve been more, I think she paved the way for future female protagonists like Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games).

The Wizarding World and it’s Lack of Diversity

While I love the Harry Potter series, it doesn’t take a lot to notice that the books lack racially diverse characters. The minority characters are in the background. There are very few Black characters, very few Asian characters, and no LGTBQ+ characters. I know the first book was written over 20 years ago, but I really wish J.K. Rowling had included more diverse characters.

To be honest with you, I’ve always had a negative opinion of fan fiction until this year. I used to feel annoyed that people would come up with ideas that weren’t actually written by the author. After listening to my favorite podcast, Harry Potter and the Sacred Text, I realized how important it is to see ourselves within a story. Everyone deserves the privilege to see themselves and relate to characters in the story no matter their sexuality, race, gender, etc. 

*My thoughts on J.K. Rowling’s transphobic twitter comments here.


One of the most special things about the Harry Potter books for me was the stories around death. When my Nana died in the summer of 2018, I felt lost, frustrated, and isolated. I felt like there were so few people in the world who understood how I felt. Even though we all go through grief at some point, there’s something so isolating about it.

When Sirius died in book 5, I felt so close to Harry. After Sirius dies, Harry craves for any way for his godfather’s death to feel less permanent. There was this line in the book where he says he felt like his life was separated into two chapters: before and after loss. This is how I felt with my Nana. There was my life before and after my Nana died. I wished for one last conversation with her just like Harry wished Sirius would appear in the fire again.

I love this picture even though I’m not in focus 🙂

The End

I really enjoyed rereading all the books, but book 7 was by far my favorite. Book 7 had me on the edge of my seat throughout the whole book and it was so full of meaning and love. This year has been such an emotional rollercoaster for all of us. I cried from the chapter where Snape’s feelings for Lily were revealed until the end of the book. This pandemic is so stressful and so many lives have been lost this year. It felt so good to cry because this year has brought so many unexpected challenges. 


I’m so happy I reread these books this year. I grew up with Harry Potter and I needed him more than I knew I did this year. I really had no idea when I would have the opportunity to reread these books. There aren’t many positives to this pandemic, but I am grateful I had the time to read this year. Next time I need the wizarding world, I know it will be there for me <3


  1. Christine Kong | 14th Sep 20

    How fun! I actually never read the Harry Potter series (I know, I’m sorry), but my kids are reading it now and they love it. They haven’t gotten to Book 7 yet but good to it’s your fave!


    • Jill Gilbert | 16th Sep 20

      Hahaha! I’m surprised how many people have never read HP before! I think the movies are more popular because the books are so long! I’m glad your kids are having fun reading it!

  2. Jennifer | 14th Sep 20

    I need to re-read the series again. And I agree with the lack of representation. Personally I love reading fan fic. Depending on the show, movie, book, ect, I prefer either canon compliant or AU. Like for Schitt’s Creek, I only read canon but for shows like The 100, I like modern day AU’s.

    Curated by Jennifer

    • Jill Gilbert | 16th Sep 20

      I really enjoyed rereading the series this year! I had no idea there was fan fiction for Schitt’s Creek haha! I love that show! It’s really cool to hear your opinion on fan fiction. Thank you for sharing with me!

  3. SundayDahlias | 14th Sep 20

    I grew up reading this series, but I really want to read it again as an adult and see how I feel about it now. I agree with your thoughts about Hermione, I think a lot of people think the same too! Sometimes I wonder where Harry and Ron would be without her! 😆


  4. Ashley | 14th Sep 20

    I really love your take on the HP books! I’ve only read the very first book, and have seen all of the movies.

    Make Life Marvelous

    • Jill Gilbert | 17th Sep 20

      The first book is so cute! I loved the later books in the series because they are more serious and have deeper meaning, but I really love all the books haha!

  5. Liz | 15th Sep 20

    What a great parallel between reality and this wonderful book.
    Let’s all hope that the ending is going to be just as happy 🙂

    Lots of love ♥ January Girl

    • Jill Gilbert | 17th Sep 20

      Aw thanks Liz! I really love all the Harry Potter books 🙂

  6. Jennifer | 16th Sep 20

    I love reading Harry Potter books! Lots of love! Lovely Post!

    • Jill Gilbert | 17th Sep 20

      The Harry Potter books are such a fun series!

  7. The Exclusive Beauty Diary | 16th Sep 20

    After your post I also need reread Harry Potter books. I remember that I discover it when 3 book was published and after then I can’t wait next. Also I watch all of movies and I remember that I like more books than movies, but now I think that I will reread it again.

    New Post – https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/09/jo-malone-nectarine-blossom-honey-body.html

    • Jill Gilbert | 17th Sep 20

      I really enjoyed rereading the Harry Potter books this year! I really needed a magical distraction like Harry Potter to get me through this crazy year. I love book 3!

  8. stylefrontier | 16th Sep 20

    I grew up reading Harry Potter and looking back I agree that the characters lack of diversity. It’s very nice to see another perspective on a fiction because when we were young we only focused on the storyline itself. Thank you for sharing your view and I really love these photos of you in nature!

    • Jill Gilbert | 17th Sep 20

      Thank you! I grew up reading Harry Potter too! The lack of the diversity in these books is really disappointing. I also feel like JKR tokenizes minorities like Cho Chang or Harvati and Pavati Patil… I’m glad that diverse characters are slowly breaking into the fiction world as the years go on.

  9. Mariann Yip | 16th Sep 20

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I have always been a fan of Harry Potter so it’s interesting to see what other thinks of JK Rowling’s series.


    • Jill Gilbert | 17th Sep 20

      Harry Potter is definitely a wonderful story! I longer support JKR because of all her transphobic comments this year, but I’ve decided to separate the books from the author.

  10. Sif | 17th Sep 20

    Beautiful pictures!

  11. Mercy | 17th Sep 20

    I haven’t really read any of Harry Potter books but I’ve seen the films. The stories are amusing and I can imagine re-reading the books that I’ve read and liked after years apart are still plausible. I like the last pic too, the yellow vibrant is too pretty.


    • Jill Gilbert | 20th Sep 20

      Thank you! I love the Harry Potter movies a lot too! It’s always nice to revisit a story we loved in the past <3

  12. Angelica | 17th Sep 20

    Thought provoking read.
    The books are so excellent although I regret not having finished them yet! I actually started and finished all the movies during quarantine and became such a fan of those also.

    XX Angelica

    • Jill Gilbert | 20th Sep 20

      Thank you! I really love how much more in depth and intricate the books are compared to the movies. I love the movies too! My bf and I rewatched each movie after I finished each book. Glad you enjoyed the movies! <3

  13. Grace Louise | 18th Sep 20

    I loved this post so much Hun, these pictures are gorgeous and I’m glad you enjoyed reading HP! x

    Grace || http://www.gracelouiseofficial.blogspot.co.uk/

  14. Radi | 19th Sep 20

    Woahh you’re such a big Harry Potrer fan. That’s so awesome! I tried getting into it but it never really drew me in.
    Hope you have a great day Jill!


    • Jill Gilbert | 20th Sep 20

      Thank you! I can definitely understand that! Sometimes some stories just aren’t the right fit.

  15. The Exclusive Beauty Diary | 19th Sep 20

    I love your outfit and photos so much. They are so beautiful.

    New Post – https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/09/shiseido-zen.html

  16. Nancy | 19th Sep 20

    LOL I love your title!! Harry Potter is always a good classic read. You can always travel to the world of HP for a bit and not worry about the real world hehe. It is so cool that you pulled journalism from the series. You tend to see things better when it relates to your specialty. I agree with you. Journalism is not supposed to take any sides but to present the facts. So if the government is acting up, so let that be known. Although Hermoine wasn’t the chosen one, I am glad that there are other female protagonists that have risen since then. JKR can really use some help with being open to diversity. Glad you enjoyed rereading the series. I am sorry that your nana passed a couple of years back. Sometimes, it is nice to be able to understand your own feelings by reading about a similar situation with other characters. Glad you enjoyed the reread!

    Nancy ✨ exquisitely.me

    • Jill Gilbert | 20th Sep 20

      Omg thank you! I was high key very proud of the title haha! Rereading Harry Potter was such a good distraction from this crazy year. I definitely enjoyed rereading the book as an adult to see what themes I could find that related to my life! There were many cases of bad journalism in the Harry Potter series! I think Hermoine was a trail blazer for future feminist characters! JKR did not create a very diverse range of characters… It was difficult losing my Nana a few years ago, but it felt really healing to reread these books and relate to characters who were also experiencing grief.

  17. Margot | 20th Sep 20

    I actually never read the whole Harry Potter series.
    It was my sister who was all about the books and I think I only read one or 2 tomes. But I read the last tome which is actually not really a novel but a piece of theater and I love it.
    I really need to read them all. I love the movies and I love the all magic universe even more since I visited the studios in London.
    I really enjoyed the article here and how you describe all the books and how personally they touch you.
    And your pictures in the flowers are so beautiful. I love your outfit !


    • Jill Gilbert | 24th Sep 20

      Thank you so much Margot! I really appreciate your comment 🙂 I love the movies too! It’s cool that all the books were made into movies so that everyone could enjoy the magic of Harry Potter! I hope you have a chance to read the whole series!

  18. Deasy | 21st Sep 20

    Ah, you’re making me want to reread the series for the umpteenth time! I never thought about what the story would be like if Hermione was the chosen one, and I think it would have been a completely different series, just because of her personality. Not saying it would be bad, but it would be interesting to read a fanfic about it! Also, in terms of diversity, if you compare it to some of the popular YA books out there like Twilight or The Hunger Games, I feel like Harry Potter still is better than most. I mean, he dates an Asian girl. That’s somewhat unheard of.


    • Jill Gilbert | 24th Sep 20

      I had such a great time rereading the series this year! You should definitely reread again 🙂 Hermoine is very high strung, but the Harry would’ve never been able to defeat Voldemort without her! She has truly committed herself to her education and becoming the best witch possible! Fan fiction about Hermoine as the chosen one would be so cool. That’s a really good point! It’s cool that Harry dates an asian girl, but I feel like Cho Chang and the Patil girls are not treated respectfully by the boys in the story. They deserved better!

  19. Happy Esme ┊Fashion Stylist | 26th Sep 20

    I love this look on you! I love Harry Potter too!
    Thanks for sharing

    Japan┊Fashion Stylist ― https://happyesme.com/

    • Jill Gilbert | 4th Oct 20

      Thank you so much! Harry Potter is the best 🙂

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