Life Update: Spring 2021

Hello! I am back from my brief blogging break to share a life update. I took these past couple weeks off to finish out my semester. I really missed blogging and being creative, but I knew I had to take a break to focus on school without overloading myself. Today I wanted to share a little bit about my life in 2021 so far. It’s been a difficult year and I feel it’s important to talk about the lows sometimes in this blogging/social media world because social media is typically a highlight reel of perfect moments. Everyone struggles, especially this past year, so I just want to say it is okay to not be okay.


At the end of January, my cat, Julia, passed away. She was sixteen years old and she was truly my best friend. My family got Julia when I was only five years old. I can hardly remember life before her. She was there for me through all of my life: going through elementary school, middle school, high school, boyfriends, the loss of my grandparents in the past few years, starting college… She was there for me for everything. Her loss has been devastating for me and I can truly say I’ve never been more heartbroken in my entire life.

We had to let Julia go days before I started my spring semester. Coping with her loss while simultaneously trying to be a good student and worker was overwhelming. I frequently had to leave my virtual classes because I couldn’t stop crying. I started working incredibly hard on all my different responsibilities (school, work, and blog) to distract myself from how I was feeling. Most nights I didn’t fall asleep until 2-3 am in the morning because I didn’t have tasks to distract me from my grief.


Like I said earlier, going to school after my loss was very difficult. I didn’t care very much about my classes when I was struggling so much emotionally, but I still tried my best this semester. This semester wasn’t about living, it was about surviving. 

My favorite class this semester was “Criminal Justice: Diversity and Community Policing” which I took as a part of my ethnic studies minor. I really enjoyed having thoughtful discussions about diversity and police as I am very passionate about anti-racism. 

I wasn’t excited about my public relations/journalism classes due to my personal struggles, but I learned so much in these classes that I know I will use in my future career. I only have one year left of college! I simultaneously feel like I just started college and like I’ve been in college for a million years due to the pandemic. I’m thrilled to be done with the semester tomorrow as this has been one of the most difficult semesters since I started college. 


Healing from loss has been incredibly trying, but I’m slowly starting to feel better with every day that goes by. Daylight savings, warmer weather, and therapy have helped me recover from my loss. I am so excited to be done with school because I feel I will finally have the time and space to heal from losing Julia and start taking care of myself again. 

I’ve taken the last couple weeks off from blogging to focus on all my end of semester finals and projects, but I am so happy to be back! I’ve been feeling this spark inside me these past couple weeks that has been calling me to create. I haven’t felt that way for a long time. I love having this space to share my creative passions and I am so grateful for you. Thank you so much for reading my blog <3


What’s new with you?!


  1. Julia | 9th May 21

    I’m so sorry for your loss. Pets always hold a special place, and it’s safe to say she was truly loved and had a happy life with you 🙂 I hope you keep getting better as spring turns into the summer. Sending lots of joy and sunshine your way! xx

    Julia x | Lifestyle, Self-Care, Travel 🌷

  2. itzel najar | 10th May 21

    thanks for sharing!
    love your pants!!

  3. Jennifer | 10th May 21

    I am so sorry for your loss. I know what it’s like to lose a pet and it takes awhile to heal but I promise it does get better.

    Curated By Jennifer

  4. Ashley | 11th May 21

    I am so sorry for the season you’ve been going through, friend. Sending you hugs for the loss of your sweet cat, I can only imagine. 🙁 There would never be a good time, but to have to go through that and then start your spring semester would be absolutely horrific. Kudos to you for taking it day by day and pushing forward. You are so strong. Praying for peace for you, Jillian, I know that my pets have always been my family. Just know your cat is still with you, it’s just in a different way now. <3

    I'm glad you took a break for yourself. It's so important to give yourself rest, especially when you're going through such a difficult time.

    Make Life Marvelous

  5. Jane | 12th May 21

    Love these beautiful photos! You look gorgeous!
    xo, Jane

  6. Lovely | 13th May 21

    I’m so sorry for your loss! This must have been terrible for you. Our animals are our family, it’s awful when they get poorly. Sending you lots of love!

    • Jill Gilbert | 22nd May 21

      Thank you Lovely <3 It is always so hard to let our special animal friends go, but I am so grateful she was in my life

  7. Radi | 13th May 21

    Happy to hear you are back to creating Jill. We have missed you.
    So sorry for the loss of your cat! Hope you are doing better!

  8. Pablo | 14th May 21

    Hola Jill!

    I hope you’re having a good week so far and it was good such a personal story time, thanks for opening with us and for sharing your feelings. Of course we have missed you, but there are certain times of life when you need to focus in specific processes.

    I’m glad to hear that you survived this semester, I remember university was a bit rude haha.

    And I am so sorry about your cat, I really know that feeling, I lost a dog a few years ago and I struggled with daily life during weeks, at the end they are like family 🙁

    Sending you my best from Spain and hope you enjoy this weekend.

    Beautiful pictures by the way! You found the prettiest tree!


    • Jill Gilbert | 22nd May 21

      Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment, Pablo. It means a lot! It is so hard to loose our special pets. They’re such a big part of our everyday life. I’m so grateful she was in my life, but I miss her very much still

  9. Kinga | 16th May 21

    Gorgeous spring photos ❤

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