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Browsing Tag: Grief

Life Update: Spring 2021

Hello! I am back from my brief blogging break to share a life update. I took these past couple weeks off to finish out my semester. I really missed blogging and being creative, but I knew I had to take a break to focus on school without overloading myself. Today I wanted to share a little bit about my life in 2021 so far. It’s been a difficult year and I feel it’s important to talk about the lows sometimes in this blogging/social media world because social media is typically a highlight reel of perfect moments. Everyone struggles, especially this past year, so I just want to say it is okay to not be okay.

Reflecting on 2020

Reflecting on 2020

Today I’ll be reflecting on 2020 here on the blog even though we are well into January. 2020 was a rough year for all of us granted we’ve literally been living through a global pandemic. I wanted to share the ups and downs of my year because I think it is important to reflect and learn from both the good and the bad in our lives. Let’s get into it!

Reflecting on Grief

A year ago, my Nana passed away. I really can’t believe it’s been a year. Looking back, losing my Nana was one of the hardest times I had ever gone through. I had just graduated high school (I feel so thankful that she was able to attend that ceremony) and then I started college just a few months after she died. It felt like I was hit with an unstoppable wave of change.