Quitting My Second Job

Quitting my second job

Today I am celebrating quitting my second job of the year. Last Sunday was my final shift working as a retail associate at Ulta. I started working there last July and it was my first real part time job where I worked close to 20 hours a week on top of school. I loved being around makeup all of the time, but I honestly didn’t enjoy that job very much. I’m happy to say I’ve finally quit that job!

Holiday 2019

Last December, I worked holiday season at Ulta and it really started to bum me out. I am an introvert so having the same conversation (Hi! Did you find everything okay?! Do you have a rewards account with us?!) with a long line of people for hours everyday was really draining. I recovered after the holiday season and then I was furloughed when the pandemic originally hit in March until late June.

Working During the Pandemic

I loved being unemployed (aside from being broke af lol) and when I came back to Ulta, I discovered the malice of customers during a pandemic. People would come into the store without masks. I would politely ask them to wear a mask (to comply with the governor’s rules as well as my personal ethics) and I was typically met with rude comments.

Since I came back from furlough, I’ve been called “f*cking annoying” by a customer simply for doing my job. Some of my other coworkers were called even worse names 🙁 Dealing with these types of people really started to take a toll on my mental health. I felt disrespected that people would treat me (or my coworkers) like that when I was risking my health to work during this pandemic.

Quitting my second job
OUTFIT: Champion Sweatshirt, Levis Jeans, New Balance Sneakers


When October came around, I felt a drive to get the heck out of there with holiday season quickly approaching because I knew the customers would only get meaner. I job hunted on Indeed through the month of October, but the options looked bleak. I started to have nightmares of Karen’s harassing me or customers crowding me at the register. When my manager told me the maximum amount of people allowed in the store for the holidays was increasing, I knew I had to find another job quickly not just for my mental health, but my physical health as well.

I started handing out resumes to local businesses and I found a job that will be much safer for the holiday season. I smiled all the way to the store to hand in my two weeks notice. So many changes this year have been out of my control, but quitting my second job made me feel like I was in the driver’s seat of a bada$$ mobile.

Adapting to 2020

I’ve always struggled with change so this year has truly challenged me to be more adaptable. Some changes have been tough and others, like moving in with my boyfriend, have been great. While 2020 is a difficult year, I am grateful that it has weeded out the unimportant/unfulfilling things in my life. I’m sure 2020 will continue to challenge me, but quitting my second job was a win for me. Every job I’ve worked slowly gets me closer to my future career because I use the money to pay for college. Each job gets me closer to where I want to be <3

Photos taken in Point Reyes, California

What changes have you adapted to this year? Have you ever left a job you disliked?


  1. Naya | 23rd Nov 20

    Such stunning photographs! I think you did the right thing by quitting that toxic work environment. It is crazy to think that people can be so rude over the fact that they have to wear a mask, not to mention calling someone names just because that person is doing their job. Whenever I see something like that happening in front of me, I always step in to remind some Karen that this is not how you should treat people. Oh well! I hope the new place treats you so much better, Jill! xx


    • Jill Gilbert | 25th Nov 20

      Thank you so much Naya! I am so happy I quit too. I was really sick of those Karen’s! They were taking such a toll on my mental health. I know everyone is stressed out because this is such a difficult year, but I feel like that means we should be nicer to people instead of meaner… So far my new job is going well!

  2. Jennifer | 23rd Nov 20

    I’m so sorry you were treated that way. I’ve worked multiple jobs I hated. The one I hated the most was retail so I can relate. These pictures are gorgeous! Where were they taken?

    • Jill Gilbert | 25th Nov 20

      Retail and customer service jobs are tough for sure! It definitely made me lose a lot of faith in humanity 🙁 These photos were taken on a beach in Point Reyes national seashore in California!

  3. Lovely | 24th Nov 20

    I’m sorry you had to go through that at work. It’s really annoying for people to walk into a store without wearing masks and treating people badly, especially during these tough times. I hope you find it better at the new place. Lots of love to you!

    • Jill Gilbert | 25th Nov 20

      Thank you Lovely. People can be so rude and unkind! I really hope that my new job will be better. I am so happy that I am leaving so that people can’t treat me that way anymore!

  4. Margot | 24th Nov 20

    Oh I’m glad you quit the job which didn’t make you happy.
    Haha I understand the way of talking to people. Some times I’m also an introverted so It can makes me also nervous while talking to peoples.
    It’s crazy how people can be selfish and not want to wear masks during theses times.
    I hope this new job is treating you better.
    And your pictures are so so beautiful ! I love your sweatshirt.

    • Jill Gilbert | 25th Nov 20

      Thank you so much Margot! They were taken on my bf and my anniversary. I am so happy I quit my job too! I was sick of the mean customers. I got comfortable talking to strangers, but it made me feel so tired to talk for so long… So far my new job has been a lot better!

  5. DIVYA BALINENI | 25th Nov 20

    Glad to know that you quit the job, its a progress in the right direction.
    Such a lovely writeup


    • Jill Gilbert | 25th Nov 20

      Thanks for reading Divya! Every job I work gets me closer to my future career 🙂 It gives me a silver lining when I don’t enjoy jobs to think about that!

  6. Radi | 26th Nov 20

    It’s so sad to hear that people are becoming even more mean. I thought this pandemic would make us nicer toward one another. Good thing you quit Jill and lots of luck in your new job.


    • Jill Gilbert | 2nd Dec 20

      It has definitely not made people kinder in the retail world… So far my new job is going well and people are a lot nicer there!

  7. Natalia | 26th Nov 20

    Congrats on making such a bold move! I hate shopping right now, I’ve only visited stored twice since the pandemic started, as I really don’t want to fall sick. But I noticed that people have gotten really mean here too, plus a guard was rude once with me and my mom over nonsense. I guess we are all too nervous or something.
    It is so good, and fills my heart with hope to read about the good changes 2020 brought into your life, and it is quite motivating to see it. I hope the holiday season will be wonderful for you 🙂


    • Jill Gilbert | 2nd Dec 20

      Thank you so much Natalia! Shopping is so stressful as is being in any retail or customer service environment. I know most customer service workers are trying to do everything possible to keep things clean and safe, but there are definitely some rude people that refuse to keep others safe :/ I think people are just so high stung and burnt out this year because of all the darkness. I hope we will heal!

  8. Nancy | 28th Nov 20

    It is better to quit a job you don’t enjoy – it happens and that means a door is to be opened somewhere down the road! Being on the sales floor is not always the easiest – so much props for all employees who try their best in their role! I am glad that you took your mental health as a priority and made the decision to quit. It is not always the easiest especially with it being an income. Change is not always the easiest to go through, but it can be for the better. Wishing you the best in your journey!!

    Nancy ✨ mdrnminimalists.com

    • Jill Gilbert | 3rd Dec 20

      Yes I completely agree! Working a customer service job is definitely tough! People expect you to always have the answer or think that you’re in charge of everything that happens there. Ever since I left that job, I have been feeling a lot less agitated and angry. Something that is definitely beneficial while tackling the remainder of 2020. Thank you Nancy!

  9. Mica | 29th Nov 20

    What beautiful photos by the sea! I agree it’s better to quit a job you don’t enjoy and it’s good you have something else lined up! Good luck with your new job!

    Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend! We started putting up the Christmas decorations yesterday 🙂

    • Jill Gilbert | 3rd Dec 20

      Thank you so much Nancy! I am so happy to be done with that job and put that behind me. So far the new job is going well 🙂 Yay! I just started decorating today and we are going to go cut down Christmas trees this coming Sunday!

  10. Julia | 29th Nov 20

    Working retail must be so hard in usual times, but with COVID and Christmas/Thanksgiving it must be even worse… Well done for staying afloat until you left. You’re taking control of your situation despite the current situation and it’s great! Keep going! 🙂 x

    Julia x
    Last Post: How To Get In The Christmas Mood Despite The Pandemic! 🎄

    • Jill Gilbert | 3rd Dec 20

      Working retail during this pandemic was definitely a major struggle! People got so mean after the pandemic started. I knew I had to get out of there before the holidays came along because I knew the people would only get worse! Thanks for reading Julia! 🙂

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