Life Update: June 2020

Life Update

Since we’re halfway through 2020, I decided to give a little life update here on the blog. Obviously due to the coronavirus, this first half of the year didn’t go at all as I thought it would.

When the pandemic hit in the United States, I was finishing up my midterms week and preparing to go to the Grand Canyon for spring break with my parents. Looking back on that week, it seems funny to think how stressed out I was about midterms when bigger problems were about to completely change all our lives. Due to the coronavirus, my family and I didn’t go to the Grand Canyon and I began life fully at home.

Life Update


Transitioning from going to school full time at my university to full time online school was a BIG adjustment for me. I took a couple online classes back in high school and I learned back then that I struggle with online learning. Staring at a computer all day long was not very engaging for me and I don’t feel like I learned very much in the virtual half of the semester. As this was my first semester as a declared journalism major, I felt a little sad that I missed out on the in person learning experience of something I actually wanted to study.

By the end of the semester, I felt pretty depressed doing online classes all day, every day. Because I really struggled with online learning, I decided not to take any classes this summer and give myself a much needed break. My university hasn’t decided if classes will be in person or online in the fall semester, but I will definitely take classes then because I would feel really frustrated if I wasn’t making progress on earning my degree until next January.

Life With My Boyfriend

After midterms week, my boyfriend, Cullen, went on a trip to Hawaii with his family. He was gone for a week and a half and then he self quarantined for two weeks just in case he picked up the virus while traveling. Being apart from him for three and a half weeks (almost a month) was really hard! I obviously missed him while he was in Hawaii, but it felt so strange when he was back in our city and we couldn’t see each other. We’ve never been away from each other for that long before.

After he was done with his fourteen days of quarantine, I’ve been temporarily living with him ever since. My parents are in their 60’s and Cullen has had to work and risk exposure this whole time so we decided it would be best if I came to live with him for a little while. I was really nervous about the adjustment at first, especially since his apartment is very small, but it’s been going really well!

We have a daily routine where we go for walks everyday, he goes to work and I do blog and social media stuff while he’s gone, and then we hang out in the evenings. Even though we’ve been together for almost three years, we have gotten a lot closer while temporarily living together. We have had so much fun watching Avatar the Last Airbender especially since we both watched the show as kids. I feel like we’re making up for the time we lost while he was traveling/quarantining. It’s also been nice to be able to spend so much time with him because both of us were so busy prior to the pandemic and our free time together was not abundant.


Since I quit my tutoring job before the pandemic and my second job was in retail, I haven’t worked since March. This has been both a blessing and a curse. I am an introverted person so talking to random people and selling things isn’t exactly my cup of tea. Because I didn’t really like my retail job very much, I’ve loved not being in the store or working an inconsistent schedule every week.

While I love not working, it’s anxiety provoking to not earn any money when I have to pay for my next semester of college. I decided not to take summer classes because I hate online classes, but I also wanted to wait until the fall before having to pay thousands again. I hadn’t gotten any money from unemployment until literally last night! I was shocked! Even though I applied for unemployment months ago, I didn’t get any money until yesterday and I’m hoping that I’ll get more money for the other nine weeks that I was unemployed. 

I know a lot of other people who have struggled getting money from unemployment. I’ve spent several mornings trying to call the office without being able to talk to a single person. I literally called 300 times on Tuesday. I don’t know why the money finally showed up, but if you haven’t seen any money from unemployment, I encourage you not to give up hope and keep calling until you can talk to a real person! I think they hope people will give up calling so they don’t have to pay up, but don’t let them win!

Moving Forward

I just learned on Monday that I will be going back to work at my retail job this coming Tuesday. I am not looking forward to going back to work given that things have been so pleasant in my life right now, but I obviously can’t not work forever. I’m scared of being exposed to the virus at work, but all I can do to control that is make sure I’m washing my hands well and wearing a mask. 

Having all this time to reflect on my retail job, I’ve decided I’m going to start searching for a new job. I hated working in retail during the holidays and if it can be avoided, I never want to work the holidays in retail again! People were so mean!

I was going to plan a trip to Banff, Canada for Cullen and I this summer, but we’ve postponed the trip indefinitely until we can go at a safer time. For now, we’ll just have fun at Tahoe which is a short drive away for us 🙂


I hope you enjoyed this life update! I’d love to know what’s new with you and how quarantine life (or back to work life) is going for you.


Outfit Details

Similar Dress ($54)

Similar Shoes ($50)

Similar earrings ($7)


  1. Missy May | 18th Jun 20

    You are such a beautiful lady. Rona has definitely messed up things, but thank God we are still here, healthy and safe. Everything will fall back in place gradually. 🙂

    • Jill Gilbert | 21st Jun 20

      Aw thank you so much Missy! Yes we really do have to be thankful for the little things during these dark times.

  2. Jazz | 18th Jun 20

    Thank you for sharing babe! ❤️❤️

  3. Jennifer | 19th Jun 20

    I’m sorry you’ve been anxious and hate online classes. Covid has ruined ,my summer plans as well. I had so many trips to Canada planned. And the border is still closed. And you should be able to get unemployment for the other 9 weeks. You might need to certify, so I’d log into your account.

    Effortlessly Sophisticated

    • Jill Gilbert | 23rd Jun 20

      Thanks Jennifer! I really hope I get the unemployment money I’ve been missing for the past 9 weeks. I’m sorry your trips to Canada were cancelled. Where were you going to go?

  4. Miri | 19th Jun 20

    This dress looks amazing! Happy to hear that you had some time to reflect and that you’re changing your job. I think its important that you do what you love. Wishing you all the best!

    lots of love, Miri

    • Jill Gilbert | 23rd Jun 20

      Thank you so much Miri! I had been dreading the thought of going back to work, but when I actually got the call, I realized that I didn’t want to work there anymore.

  5. Melody Jacob | 19th Jun 20

    This shade of red is so lovely and nice
    I really like it, it suits you
    Have a lovely weekend

  6. Mica | 20th Jun 20

    What a fun dress! it’s nice things are opening up again so you can go back to work and pay for study – good luck with your next semester, it will be nice if the virus is gone by then so you can go back to studying in person! 🙂

    Hope that you are having a nice weekend 🙂

    • Jill Gilbert | 23rd Jun 20

      Thank you so much Mica! A red dress is definitely fun for summer! I really hope I can study in person in the fall too, but I’m not feeling optimistic because the US has been really irresponsible with protecting it’s citizens from the virus :/

  7. M | 20th Jun 20

    Yeah it’s so funny how we were so stressed about things before corona, and now they don’t matter the slightest bit in the grand scheme of things. Thanks for sharing x


  8. Katerina | 20th Jun 20

    Gosh I’m so sorry it took so long to receive your unemployment benefits! Hopefully you’ll get the remainder paid out soon. I am so glad living with your boyfriend is going well – I am always happy to hear some positives coming out of the pandemic!

  9. Nancy | 20th Jun 20

    The pandemic really affected everyone in so many different ways. We had all of these different plans and worries that when we look back… It may not be as bad as other alternatives. I feel you about online learning. It is hard but I am happy that you pulled through!! It is great that you have been living with Cullen. The unemployment office took a really big hit with the workload. I am glad that you were persistent! I had to go through them at one point and they had such a complicated process. Hope you’ll enjoy your time up in Tahoe!!

    Nancy ♥

  10. Margot | 21st Jun 20

    Oh it’s so cool you moved with your boyfriend and everything’s went well.
    I remember when I first moved out with my husband. It was such a big change to learn how to live with someone else than my family. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing your life update. I hope you’ll be happy with your new job.
    And Your dress is stunning. Such a perfect summer dress. I love this bright red color and it goes so well with the cherries trees on the background of your pictures.

  11. Elena Isabelle | 21st Jun 20

    I have been feeling so anxious during lockdown and had really rough days but I have been back working since April and it has helped so much. I’m so lucky to be able to work again and have been on full pay throughout. I wish you all the best for the months to come.

    • Jill Gilbert | 23rd Jun 20

      Thank you Elena! This year has definitely been really hard, especially for people who are typically anxious during normal times, myself included… That’s amazing that you’ve been able to get full pay! 🙂

  12. Gemma | 21st Jun 20

    It must have been so hard being away from your boyfriend for so long, so glad living together is working well for you both xo

    Makeup Muddle

    • Jill Gilbert | 23rd Jun 20

      Thanks Gemma! It was so hard! It’s funny how intertwined our lives can get with our partners and then when they’re not around it feels like the world is off kilter. Living together has been really fun so far! 🙂

  13. Omaye | 22nd Jun 20

    This pandemic has really been something. I completely understand being introverted but then needed the money from a job that you don’t really like. It’ll get better, at least I hope.
    Wishing you and your boyfriend the best!
    Hopefully, we have better stories for the next half of the year….

    • Jill Gilbert | 24th Jun 20

      Thank you for reading Omaye. It is truly difficult to get back into the swing of things and flex the social muscles I haven’t had to exercise in months as an introvert. This pandemic has really turned the world upside down. I really hope things will get better too! Wishing you the best as well 🙂

  14. April | 1st Jul 20

    So good to see you doing your thing still and not giving up hope in these tough times! I’m also so happy for you that you and your beau can live together, even if it’s temporary (or turns into full time! 🤗). The extra time to spend with your loved ones & family is truly something to cherish right now.

    • Jill Gilbert | 12th Jul 20

      Thanks for reading April and also thank you for the idea for this blog post! I keep telling myself that living with my bf is temporary, but I just realized I’ve been living with him for like 5 months and I don’t see myself leaving anytime soon lol. Maybe it’s not so temporary haha d:

  15. monika | 2nd Jul 20

    You look really beautiful in this dress and shade !! ❣❣

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