Gear to Help You Be Successful in College

I am currently going into my second year of college, so I thought it would be fun to make a list of all the gear I’ve gotten that’s helped me be successful in school. Through trial and error, I’ve narrowed the list down to the things I truly needed.


If you’ve made it to college, now is the time to invest in a high quality backpack. I am frequently carrying around a heavy load long distances so I’m really glad that I own two nice backpacks that I know can handle the weight. A nice backpack is also a good idea for managing back pain.

I use my Herschel Supply Co. pop quiz backpack ($80) for all my classes. My favorite thing about this backpack is the laptop sleeve. I have such peace of mind knowing that the laptop I dipped into my savings for is protected! I don’t put my laptop in any kind of case or anything and I find that the sleeve in my backpack provides more than adequate protection. This backpack also has many pockets for storing sunglasses, pens, and literally whatever else you’re packing. I’ve had this backpack for five years and it’s still in fantastic shape. 

I use my Fjallraven Kanken backpack ($80) for transporting my oboe (musical instrument) and gym bag. I would recommend the Herschel Supply pop quiz backpack over this one mainly because of the laptop sleeve, but if you’re not packing around a device than this is a really great option. I also really like to take this backpack hiking! This backpack is very stylish and high quality. I think I’ve had it for almost as long as I’ve had my Herschel Supply pack.

*While I was looking up the link for the Fjallraven Kanken backpack, I noticed that they now have a Fjallraven Kanken backpack with a padded sleeve ($115) for your laptop. I have personally tried it, but if you’re dead set on having this hipster backpack, the link is there.

My herschel supply co backpack with my laptop sleeve

-Water Bottle

Hydration is important! I had a really hard time taking care of myself my first semester of college because I felt so burnt out. I’ve learned that hydration, food, and sleep is extremely important! Taking care of your health is significantly more important than any assignment. Please don’t forget that!!! I still have trouble getting these magic three some days, but they’re obviously vital.

I’ve had my handy dandy hydro flask ($40) for about three years. That’s the thing about purchasing quality items; they last forever! While another type of reusable water bottle will do, I love my hydro because it keeps my water cold all day long. I have the 32 oz. size so I have enough water to last me the day and it also fits in both of my backpacks. Do you guys like my beauty brand stickers haha? It took me 2 years to finally decide I was ready to put stickers on my water bottle because it’s such a big commitment lol. 

*One thing to be aware of is that many college students are hydro flask thieves. If you leave your water bottle in a lecture hall, some fool will probably pick it up and try to sell it. Guard your hydro with your life!


Just a couple weeks before going into my freshmen year, I used money from my savings account to buy my 13 “ MacBook Pro. I feel really thankful to have this laptop and I hope it serves me well for many more years! I like my Mac because I can easily used my iCloud account between my iPhone and my computer without any issues. I also love the color display which has been really helpful for me while I’m learning how to edit and blog. Another non-academic thing I love about my computer is it has really great speakers which come in clutch for watching Netflix lol.

You don’t need a fancy laptop for college as long as you can write assignments and access the internet, you should be good. Most colleges have computers around campus that are free to access, but having a personal laptop is a lifesaver because I do most of my assignments at home.


In college, there are very few assignment reminders. At the beginning of a class, you receive a syllabus with pretty much all your assignments and due dates for the semester. Don’t lose that! I try to write down all my homework in my planner ($10) because I just can’t keep track of things without writing it down. When you’re in college, you’re going to be juggling lots of classes, work, and whatever else you have going on, so don’t bother trying to remember things off of the top of your head. I also like to write in my work schedule and any other irregular dates on the calendar with the monthly view. I keep this planner and I use the calendar on my phone!



This one is another duh item, but a lot of students like to take notes on their laptop and I think I’m more successful taking handwritten notes. I see lots of people watching Netflix, online shopping, and completely ignoring the lecture on the laptop! I find this super distracting and there is a lot of research suggesting that taking notes on your laptop doesn’t help encode information into your brain like handwriting your notes does. I don’t even give myself the option to be distracted on my laptop so I just leave it in my bag and use my notebook.

I really like the Five Star notebooks ($9) because they are super sturdy and won’t rip on you throughout the year. I have an off brand notebook and it works just fine. I would recommend getting a multiple subject notebook instead of single subject just so you can have all your notes on you in case you’re working on homework between classes.

-Pens and Highlighters

I am one of those weirdos that is very particular about what pens I use. My favorite pen of all time is the Pilot G2 Rollerball pen ($10). I love the color of the ink because its professional and easy to read. The inky-ness also helps me write smoothly and quickly. I also like the size to be 0.7, the other sizes they offer are either too thin or too thick for my tastes. Is anyone else this weird about their pens?

I’ve recently discovered Le Pen ($13). These are super great for my planner because they come in multiple colors and don’t bleed through the paper. I made fun of my dad for buying these pens because I think he just bought them for the name (he’s learning French right now), but these pens really are great!

I just use Office Depot brand thin highlighters ($2). They serve me well and I see no reason to splurge extra bucks on more expensive highlighters. Unless you’re weird about highlighters?!

-Pencil Case

I’ve had my zip it monster pencil case ($8) since MIDDLE SCHOOL. I am not even kidding! These were so popular back then and I’ve held onto mine this long because it’s still in great shape! I guess that’s what happens when your case is made of zippers. There are some “cooler” pencil bags you could get, but I really like my dorky monster bag. I would recommend getting some sort of pencil bag instead of just throwing your writing tools in your bottomless pit of a backpack. Trust me, you’ll save time when you’re not digging through your bag and you’ll be far less likely to lose them as well!


-Index Cards

There are lots of flashcard apps like Quizlet that I use to study, but sometimes, good old flashcards do the trick. I use recycled flashcards ($5) just because it’s better for the environment, but there’s no “wrong” flashcard.


-Amazon Account

Obviously Amazon is great. I’ve added Amazon to the list not only for buying any of the items on this list, but for renting textbooks. Renting textbooks on Amazon is significantly cheaper than buying or renting your textbooks elsewhere. They also offer free 2 day shipping to college students so you can receive your book on time!


-Calculator (depends on your major)

I don’t have a whole lot to say about calculators as my major isn’t remotely related to math or science. When I was taking a math class, I did find it super helpful to have a physical calculator on me instead of just relying on my phone calculator. It’s super easy to make mistakes on your phone so I’d say just avoid the headache of a wrong answer and get whatever calculator will serve you well. 


-Pepper Spray

Unfortunately, we live in a world that isn’t always safe for women. I have a can of pepper spray ($10) in my bag for when I’m walking to my car and it might be a little dark. I try to always walk with someone to my car, but it’s always good to have a defense. Don’t wait until something bad happens to be prepared. 



I’ve learned my lesson the hard way that it’s always good to carry a phone charger in my bag. You never know when it’s going to be one of those days when you’re on your phone a lot and you’re praying that last 5% battery makes it home. I don’t always bring my laptop charger to school, but I will bring it on days that I know I’m going to be doing  homework on my computer. 


Let me know what gear has helped you in college! All the stuff on this list makes things easy to stay organized and prepared for class, but it’s your work ethic in college that will help you be successful!


  1. Jennifer | 5th Aug 19

    These are great tips! Granted it’s been years since I’ve been in college!

    Effortlessly Sophisticated

  2. shannon | 5th Aug 19

    Great tips! It’s safe to say even after college, all of these products will continue to help you be more productive too! x Shannon •

    • Jill Gilbert | 5th Aug 19

      That’s so true!!! A good backpack and gear will get you far!

  3. Eena | 11th Aug 19

    These are great tips and great products! I still utilize my Kanken & Hydroflask even after college. They cost a lot now but they really do last!

    Eena ☼ cabin twenty-four

    • Jill Gilbert | 14th Aug 19

      Hydroflasks are literally so amazing! I take mine everywhere with me haha. Hopefully it lasts forever…

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