Tips for When You’re in a Funk

I was able to develop a really good routine for myself last semester, but now that my classes are out of the picture, that routine is gone. I’ve been in a funk lately because my days are very empty and honestly, quite boring now that I’m on summer break.  You know when you’re at your busiest and you think “I wish I had more time to do _____” or “there’s so much I have to do and so little time do it”? Now I have so much time, but there’s not enough pressure to complete those activities. I am definitely in a “funk”.

So here’s what I’m doing to get out of my funk:


-Make a change

Now that I’m on break and have more time, I’ve been trying to get a job with more hours than the current job I hold as a tutor. So far I’ve applied to three jobs and been on two interviews. I’ve really hated how long it’s taken me to get a job with more hours, but unfortunately, there’s nothing I can do aside from calling since the companies I applied to are very busy.

Another change I’ve made is getting back into working out. Last semester, I was using the gym on campus, but as campus is 25 minutes away from my house, the drive to the gym just feels like a waste of time and gas. So, I started doing BBG on the sweat app this week. I pushed myself wayyyy too hard the first day and my legs were sore for 4 solid days! I have enjoyed being active again and I’ve also been going for more walks.

Quit that job you hate, start a new hobby, or get into a fitness routine that works for you. There’s always that thing you think about doing, but never get around to doing it. Now is the time! Finding passion can be so motivating and get you right out of this cloudy period.


-Go do something new

Last week on one of my boyfriend’s days off of work, we drove out about an hour and a half into the desert (this is where these pictures were taken!). It was such a weird thing to do, especially with Lake Tahoe in our backyard, but we actually ended up having a lot of fun seeing the wide open desert (and getting these pictures of course).

If you wanted to do something less weird than driving out into the desert, you could try going to a park you’ve never been before, trying a new class (fitness, art, etc.), or even cooking a new dish. You never know when inspiration is going to hit.


-Develop a New Routine

I feel like “funks” can often occur during periods of transition, change, or if you just get bored with your current schedule. That’s why switching it up can really help you during this time. I have yet to find a routine that works for me while I’m on this new empty schedule, but I’m still brainstorming ideas.


-Make a To Do list

Writing out exactly what you want accomplish works wonders. I recommend writing your to do list on a physical piece of paper (like a sticky note) as opposed to a list on your phone. Crossing off completed items is way more satisfying on real paper and I also have found that I’m way more likely to complete everything I need to get done.


-Embrace it

I feel like this period of transition between semesters is a flash forward of what it will be like when I finish my degree. I can definitely picture getting out of school lacking a job relating to my major. Obviously that is in the future and I don’t have to worry about that now. As I said earlier, “funks” usually happen when there’s some sort of change in your life or maybe you’re just bored. This really is a sign that you’re ready to do something differently so get out and make a change in your life!




  1. Kathrine Eldridge | 9th Jun 19

    Love this pretty dress! These are great tips. Sometimes you need to sit in the quiet to really appreciate the down time.

    • Jill Gilbert | 9th Jun 19

      Thank you!! I bought it at forever 21 last year. I love great finds at an affordable price haha. Yes I completely agree.

  2. addyjacks | 19th Jun 19

    I agree to embrace it! Get “funky” when in a funk.
    I also think about everything I AM grateful for and my relationship with Jesus.
    Thank you for the read 🙂

    • Jill Gilbert | 19th Jun 19

      Getting funky is a good tip as well haha! Gratitude is such a powerful tool. Thank you for reading!

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