April Beauty Reviews

When I started blogging at the beginning of this year, I started doing favorite product posts every month. Since I only post once a week, every fourth post was a favorites post and I decided that was a little excessive haha. This post is not a collection of my favorites, but simply reviews of the products I’ve been trying in the last four months.

5 Tips for Using Instagram in a Healthy Way

Paranoia surrounding Instagram and technology in general seems to be high these days so I thought I’d write a guide about using Instagram in a healthy way.

Day Trip: Donner Lake and Lake Tahoe

About two weeks ago, my boyfriend and I took a mini road trip exploring Donner Lake and Lake Tahoe. It was our spring break and we considered taking an actual vacation, but we decided to go explore areas so close to home. Even though I live about an hour from Donner Lake, I rarely ever visit the lake even though I’m so close! I also had never really driven up to Tahoe in the winter so visiting was a completely different experience in the winter than in the warm summer months.

9 Tips to Effectively Organize Your Schedule Using Apple Calendar

With an upcoming busy week on my plate, I decided to write down all my tips and tricks for using your calendar effectively. I’m very adamant about using my calendar because it helps me feel less stressed and I can plan out my week better. I even incorporate a little bit of mindfulness in the way that I use my calendar.

Are Jade Rollers Worth the Hype?

Jade rollers have been high on the list of skincare trends for a couple years now. I’m guessing you’ve probably seen the jade roller because it’s on almost every beauty influencer, blogger, or youtuber’s feed.

OOTD and Busy Month

I wanted to try something a little different and post about one of my outfits for the first time. I’m also excited to share more pictures from this shoot because I can only post like 3 pictures from a shoot before I worry about my feed being boring haha.

February 2019 Favorites

Practicing Patience in a Fast Paced World

If you`ve been following my Insta stories, you know that I am really, really tired of the snow. For the duration of February, it has been snowing 1-3 times a week anywhere from 1-13 inches in depth. I live at the bottom of a long steep driveway that has to be shoveled everytime it snows or else the driveway becomes extremely icy and dangerous. My least favorite part of having any icy driveway is that I have to park my car up at the top of the driveway or else my car literally gets stuck at the bottom and I can’t go anywhere!

Foreo vs. Clarisonic

About a month ago, I decided to drop my money on the Foreo LUNA Mini 2 facial cleansing device. This was a very hard decision for me because the device is priced at $140 and I am very diligent about how I spend my money. The Foreo is actually not my first cleaning brush, I’ve had a Clarisonic (Mia 1, no longer sold) for about four years now. So, why did I decide to get another expensive cleansing brush?

Insomniac’s Guide to Falling Asleep

As a kid, it used to take me hoursss to fall asleep. My mom would come into my room and literally tell me that I couldn’t fall asleep with my eyes open. She tried just about everything to get me to fall asleep- singing to me, reading to me, buying me a CD player that played boring piano music. Literally nothing seemed to work. Flashforward to my young adult years, sometimes it takes me 30 minutes to 1 ½ hours to fall asleep. Good news, there are things that help me fall asleep faster!