Are Jade Rollers Worth the Hype?

Jade rollers have been high on the list of skincare trends for a couple years now. I’m guessing you’ve probably seen the jade roller because it’s on almost every beauty influencer, blogger, or youtuber’s feed.

Jade rollers came about in old age China and they have made a really impressive comeback in the 21st century. They are supposed to be anti-aging, help with acne, reduce puffiness, increase blood circulation, improve lymphatic drainage, brighten the skin, and even pay off your student loans! I’m just kidding about that last one haha.

If you’re into crystal stuff, the jade is said to purify negative energy and draw out toxins from the skin while you’re rolling. Jade is also supposed to keep cold temps better (which is why people keep it in the fridge/freezer).

Because jade rollers were so hyped up, I finally decided to get one about a year ago. Although I was skeptical of the jade roller, I was so excited to use it and I used it twice a day for about 10 to 15 minutes. Could it really be the miracle product my skincare routine was missing?

Fast forward to a year later, I’m still using my pal, the jade roller, BUT I have to say, the jade roller is not a game changer. Even back in the day when I rolled twice a day for 10 minutes, I did not notice a major difference in my skin. Nowadays, I keep my jade roller in the freezer so it’s extra cold and I’ll roll my skin between my serum and moisturizer steps.

I have continued to use my jade roller despite not seeing a major difference in my skin because rolling my skin with the cold jade feels really good and it’s a nice way to start my morning. I do feel like it reduces puffiness in my face, especially in the eye area. Face puffiness is not really that big of a deal, however, on mornings when I’m really tired and my eyes feel very puffy and won’t open all the way, the jade roller helps so much. Does the Curse of the Puffy Tired Eyes happen to you or is it just me?

Another thing I like to do with the jade roller is rolling out my eyebrows. When I feel stressed through the day or I’m playing oboe, I tend to unconsciously furrow my brows. Rolling out my eyebrows helps A LOT in relieving this tension and helps when I get stress headaches in that area.

I did not notice any change in my acne or feel like my face looked especially bright from using the jade roller. Like I said, it’s not magic. The rolling does increase blood circulation and I don’t  think increased blood circulation is ever going to be bad for you in general.

As far as crystals go, I am really, REALLY skeptical. I think they are just pretty stones and I wouldn’t go out of my way to buy an amethyst roller or a rose quartz roller for any reason other than the fact that they’re pretty. If you use crystals and you feel like they help you, I totally respect that, they just don’t really speak to me, therefore I wouldn’t purchase a jade roller purely to cleanse negative energy.

Another thing to note about jade rollers, sometimes they can be squeaky while you’re rolling. I bought my roller on Amazon and it did originally squeak, but after I started putting it in the freezer instead of the refrigerator, this problem was alleviated.

To wrap it up, I like my jade roller a lot and I’m happy I bought it, but I wouldn’t say it’s a “holy grail” product.


How I use my jade roller:

I use the roller in between the serum and moisturizer in the morning. I store my roller in a bag inside the freezer and I’ll clean with gentle hand soap about once a week. I don’t wash the roller everyday because my skin is clean when I roll it so I don’t think I’m spreading gross bacteria on it.



  • Starting at the chin, I roll across the jawline towards my ear using the bigger end of the roller
  • Then I start on the side of my nose and roll toward my ear
  • Then I roll the upper cheek, starting at the nose and rolling toward my ear
  • Repeat on other cheek

Eye Area:

  • Taking the small end of my roller, I go directly under the eye and roll towards my hairline
  • Then I go on the upper eyelid and roll towards my hair line
  • Then I start at the outer corner of my eye and roll towards my hair line
  • Repeat on other eye


  • Starting in between my brows with using the large roller again, I roll towards my hairline across the brow
  • Repeat this step going up the forehead until I get my whole forehead
  • Repeat on the other side of forehead
  • Then to finish off, I roll in between my brows using the big roller, vertically up


*Roll each section for 4-5 swipes

I can do this in about 5 minutes without rushing and because I’ve been doing it so long, I no longer need a mirror.


I hope this helps any of you who are indecisive about the jade roller 🙂


Jade Roller Options:

*I bought mine on Amazon for about $20, but it’s sold out. There are plenty of options on Amazon, just make sure to check reviews.

Herbivore Jade Roller ($30)

Mount Lai De-Puffing Rose Quartz Facial Roller ($38)

Mount Lai Amethyst Roller ($44)


  1. Claire | 5th Apr 19

    i like the idea of rolling out the eyebrows with the jade roller! i’ve never tried this before! Using jade rollers is absolutely sun but i agree with you that it’s not life changing!

    • Jill Gilbert | 5th Apr 19

      I hope you try out rolling the eyebrows! It feels amazing haha

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