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Category: Lifestyle

When to Turn Down an Oppurtunity

This week has been really tough on me and has also been a great lesson on saying “no” to things that don’t enrich my life in any way. In the past five years or so, I’ve frequently agreed to doing activities others ask me to do simply because I feel guilty and obligated to help out. Big surprise, I typically end up regretting it.

Tips for When You’re in a Funk

I was able to develop a really good routine for myself last semester, but now that my classes are out of the picture, that routine is gone. I’ve been in a funk lately because my days are very empty and honestly, quite boring now that I’m on summer break.  You know when you’re at your busiest and you think “I wish I had more time to do _____” or “there’s so much I have to do and so little time do it”? Now I have so much time, but there’s not enough pressure to complete those activities. I am definitely in a “funk”.

Reflecting on My First Year of College

I can’t believe I’ve officially finished my first year of college. It’s crazy to think that just a year ago, I was still in high school heading towards my college education with little excitement. I really hated high school, like really really hated it. I would sit in my car before the bell rang and just stare at the school, dreading my time there. I know it sounds dramatic, but I’ve just never been a fan of school. Prior to my first semester, I figured that I would probably hate college just as much.

5 Tips for Waking Up Early

Have you ever watched one of those morning routine videos on Youtube where the person is like “I start every morning with a smile!”? While those people are incredibly lucky to be morning people, that is definitely the opposite of me. I strongly dislike waking up early and I never thought I would be able to successfully do it.

OOTD and Gym Update

At the start of this semester, I decided I was finally ready to start going to the gym. Last semester, I had kind of wanted to start going, but anxiety had truly held me back. My biggest excuse for not going was that I didn’t have time and I was too tired, but the main reason was anxiety. I was anxious about looking like a newbie at the gym and I had never really used any gym equipment before. Growing up, I did all the kid activities of swimming, dancing, gymnastics, etc. but I had never tried any gym equipment.

5 Tips for Using Instagram in a Healthy Way

Paranoia surrounding Instagram and technology in general seems to be high these days so I thought I’d write a guide about using Instagram in a healthy way.

Day Trip: Donner Lake and Lake Tahoe

About two weeks ago, my boyfriend and I took a mini road trip exploring Donner Lake and Lake Tahoe. It was our spring break and we considered taking an actual vacation, but we decided to go explore areas so close to home. Even though I live about an hour from Donner Lake, I rarely ever visit the lake even though I’m so close! I also had never really driven up to Tahoe in the winter so visiting was a completely different experience in the winter than in the warm summer months.

9 Tips to Effectively Organize Your Schedule Using Apple Calendar

With an upcoming busy week on my plate, I decided to write down all my tips and tricks for using your calendar effectively. I’m very adamant about using my calendar because it helps me feel less stressed and I can plan out my week better. I even incorporate a little bit of mindfulness in the way that I use my calendar.

Practicing Patience in a Fast Paced World

If you`ve been following my Insta stories, you know that I am really, really tired of the snow. For the duration of February, it has been snowing 1-3 times a week anywhere from 1-13 inches in depth. I live at the bottom of a long steep driveway that has to be shoveled everytime it snows or else the driveway becomes extremely icy and dangerous. My least favorite part of having any icy driveway is that I have to park my car up at the top of the driveway or else my car literally gets stuck at the bottom and I can’t go anywhere!

Insomniac’s Guide to Falling Asleep

As a kid, it used to take me hoursss to fall asleep. My mom would come into my room and literally tell me that I couldn’t fall asleep with my eyes open. She tried just about everything to get me to fall asleep- singing to me, reading to me, buying me a CD player that played boring piano music. Literally nothing seemed to work. Flashforward to my young adult years, sometimes it takes me 30 minutes to 1 ½ hours to fall asleep. Good news, there are things that help me fall asleep faster!