4 Reasons Why I’m Living at Home for College

Whether you’re making college plans or wondering what it’s really like living at home for college, I wanted to write about an aspect of my college life I don’t talk about much. 

In high school, I was never one of those people who had a dream college. I remember my classmates talking about applying to their dream schools, their safety schools, etc. Unlike my classmates, I always knew I wanted to go to college in my hometown. It wasn’t a dream, it wasn’t a last resort, it was just what I wanted to do.

Many of my peers thought staying home for college was “lame” and then I made the even “lamer” choice to live at home during school. I just knew it was the right thing for me and I haven’t regretted it once.

Here’s why I live at home:

-It’s Affordable

In this day and age, college is really expensive. I knew I wanted to save money by staying in state for school and I decided to save even more money by staying at home. Living in the dorms is pretty expensive (just like college lol). I never wanted to live in the dorms and I wasn’t ready to have my own place, so living at home just made sense for me. It’s also nice to not have to worry about rent each month.

Abercrombie and Fitch Midweight Technical Jacket (on sale for $70)

-Food is Plentiful

Even with a job, it’s pretty hard to have a lot of extra money for groceries. Eating full meals for breakfast and dinner makes college just a little easier to manage. If you live in the dorms, it’s unlikely that you would have access to a kitchen to cook healthy, filling meals. One of the reasons I live at home is so I can skip the top ramen diet. 

Me and my guy 🙂 Thank you to the nice lady who walked by and offered to take a picture!

-I Enjoy Spending Time With My Family

I know everyone has a different relationship with their family, but I really enjoy spending time with my mom and our pets. College is really stressful and it’s really nice to have people I love to come home to at night. Some people don’t have good relationships with their family and living at home isn’t appropriate for everyone.


-I’m an Introvert

Even though I am a sophomore in college, I still get overwhelmed by some of the social aspects college brings. There’s a lot of people on campus and this can be stressful for me. Living at home is a great escape from college life. I’m certainly not one of those people that has FOMO and I’m okay with being a homebody.

Patagonia Powder Town Beanie ($39)

I know living at home isn’t for everyone, but I wanted to share my experience in hopes that it helps you make the choice about where you want to live during school. Also, I really hope this normalizes living at home! Living at home doesn’t have to be lame haha. I won’t live at home forever (obviously), but right now this is just works best for me 🙂


If you’re in college, do you live at home, on campus, or off campus? If you’ve graduated, where did you live?


  1. Jennifer | 13th Jan 20

    I lived at home for college too!

    Effortlessly Sophisticated

    • Jill Gilbert | 13th Jan 20

      I’m glad to hear someone else did it too!

  2. SundayDahlias | 13th Jan 20

    I lived at home too! For a lot of similar reasons as yours


    • Jill Gilbert | 13th Jan 20

      Living at home in college is so much cheaper!

  3. Vanessa | 13th Jan 20

    Love the fact that you live at home while you are going to College! It’s definitely a great way to SAVE LOTS of money! And being with family is the best anyhow! SO glad you are happy, dear!
    xoxo, Vanessa

    • Jill Gilbert | 13th Jan 20

      Thank you Vanessa! Living at home is so much cheaper than living on campus and I would really miss my kitties so much!

  4. PerlaGiselle | 14th Jan 20

    You made wise choice! I needed to move away for other reasons, but if I had been in a different situation, I would have definitely stayed at my parents! I really missed having home cooked meals lol. This post made me miss my college days lol Have a great week!

    PerlaGiselle | iamperlita.com

    ♥ | instagram.com/iamperlita

    • Jill Gilbert | 15th Jan 20

      Everyone truly has different situations. When my boyfriend moved out, he was missed his family’s home cooked meals so much haha. You have a great week too!

  5. Jennifer | 15th Jan 20

    Great choice! I stayed at home during college too. It was the best decision I made and I truly didn’t miss out on the college experience. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    • Jill Gilbert | 15th Jan 20

      I don’t feel like I’m missing either! Everyone’s college experience is so unique

  6. Margot | 15th Jan 20

    I had to have my own place when I enter to college because it was too far of my home.
    But every week end I came back home with my family. I love spending time with my family.

    • Jill Gilbert | 15th Jan 20

      That’s so great that you were able to make it home to your family each week. That’s hard that you had to live far away from home!

  7. Natalia | 15th Jan 20

    I stayed too and never regretted it. There is always a different part for each person. Thank you for sharing this personal post and such lovely pictures!


    • Jill Gilbert | 17th Jan 20

      Thank you so much for reading! I’m happy to hear you didn’t regret it either

  8. Kinga K | 16th Jan 20

    Me too 😀

  9. Chia | 17th Jan 20

    I currently live at home, too and I’m completely happy with my choice. And I had the exact same reasons as you. Although I’m an ambivert, I still really prefer the solitude of staying at home where I’m surrounded by my family members because we have a pretty tight bond as well. Great to hear from someone else who feels the same way xx

    Chia | http://chiasamson.com

    • Jill Gilbert | 17th Jan 20

      Yes I feel the same way! Spending time with family is such a relaxing way to end the day, especially with busy college life

  10. Naya | 17th Jan 20

    I think you did the right thing and how lucky that your family house and college are in the same place. When I did my masters, I also lived at my own apartment. No extra rent expenses, no need to worry about roommates or someone stealing your stuff (cough cough). This way you focus only on your classes, not so much on stupid things that won’t matter as soon as you graduate xx


    • Jill Gilbert | 17th Jan 20

      I’m so thankful that my family lives close to my college. I’ve heard so many stories about awful roommates so I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that haha! What is your masters degree in?

  11. Nancy | 18th Jan 20

    There is nothing wrong with living at home for college. At the end of the day, it’s more financially smart to do that. I rather live at home and have my own room than be forced to bunk with 2 other people. It is good that you have a great family at home too – it helps with being ok with going home. I’ve lived at home and on campus when I was in college. Both has its own pros and cons :).

    Nancy ♥ exquisitely.me

    • Jill Gilbert | 20th Jan 20

      It really does save so much money! Roommates sound tough, I’m glad I don’t have to deal with them for now haha

  12. Gemma | 18th Jan 20

    I would do the same. It’s nice to have the support network, and not having to worry about running a home whilst struggling with your education! I love these photos xx


    • Jill Gilbert | 20th Jan 20

      Thank you! It really is nice to hang out with my family at the end of the day

  13. E | 19th Jan 20

    I think it is a really personal decision. In my case, nearest college where 1 and a half hour from my home so I didn’t have another choice that move to the main city.

    • Jill Gilbert | 20th Jan 20

      That’s tough that you had to move! At least the drive home wasn’t too far

  14. Des | itsbetterinheels | 20th Jan 20

    Aww adorable winter look here! I went to college at home simply for the fact that it would have been waayy too expensive to go off island. So, thankfully I was able to stay at home while I earned my degree. I enjoyed it! It got me to save a pretty penny to ensure I can start paying the student loans back on time and offered more family time. Hope you’re having an enjoyable time at college!! What’s your least favorite subject?

    Des | https://www.itsbetterinheels.com

    • Jill Gilbert | 22nd Jan 20

      Thank you! College is truly so expensive. That’s so nice that you were able to save money by living at home too. What a funny question! I just started my new semester yesterday so I’m not sure what my least favorite class is yet. Last semester it was biological anthropology for sure haha. It was so boring!

  15. Jessica | 21st Jan 20

    Sounds like you made a great choice dear, and pretty practical too.

    Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  16. Biki | 6th Feb 20

    At the end of the day in life, you sometimes have to go against the grain to do what works for you. You’re happy about the choice you made and enjoying the benefits so rock on ( ;

    • Jill Gilbert | 8th Feb 20

      Yes I completely agree! A lot of times we know the best decision for ourselves instead of doing what people expect us to do

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