6 Things I Learned from Spring Cleaning My Closet

Spring Cleaning

Every six months, I get out my seasonal clothing and donate a few pieces. Something about quarantine had me wanting to do a more hardcore version of spring cleaning than I usually do. I used the Marie Kondo method of decluttering about four years ago, but I knew it was time to repeat the process.

I learned a lot about myself and my clothing by spring cleaning my closet. The pieces I decided to donate showed me I wasn’t shopping sustainably in the past and I didn’t even like some of the clothes I owned.

To spring clean my closet using the Marie Kondo method, I put every item of clothing I own onto my bed (both seasons even if you rotate your clothing). Then you hold each item in your hand and ask yourself if it sparks joy. In the end, I had three trash bags of clothing to donate that didn’t spark joy. Here’s what I learned from spring cleaning my closet:

Spring Cleaning


The Essentials Missing From My Wardrobe

By sorting through every item of clothing I own, I realized how many essentials I was missing from my wardrobe. I have a lot of fancier chic pieces that I love, but on the regular, I dress pretty casually as a college student. I am missing a lot of casual summer clothes that can be restyled multiple ways. Here’s a few pieces I’m missing in my wardrobe:

T-shirts (and graphic tees for a cuter look)

Running shorts (my old pair were chewed up by a dog I housesat)

White button up blouse

Pants and shorts in general (I hate shopping for those items because it’s such a gamble whether they’ll fit)


Some Essentials Need to be Replaced

Because I inspected every item of clothing, I realized that the white t-shirt and the black leggings I wear regularly (especially in quarantine) had lived their lives. My black leggings from The North Face have served me well for 6 long years and now they’re becoming see-through on the knees and butt lol. My white t-shirt is stained and has little holes in it from picking up my cat with her velcro claws. These pieces are essentials to me because I wear them so frequently. They need to be replaced because they just don’t look so hot anymore.

Fast Fashion Doesn’t Last

I didn’t buy a ton of clothing in high school, but when I did shop, I always shopped at brands like Forever 21 because that’s what I could afford. Most of the super cheap pieces I bought wore out quickly. The pieces I had remaining fit poorly, were unraveling, and were see-through. This ASOS body suit I wore in a blog post a year ago ripped the third time I wore it. 

Because fast fashion is so trendy, it can also look outdated a year later. I’ve decided I’m never shopping from Forever 21, ASOS, or H&M again because it’s just a waste of money and extremely damaging to the environment. Over the past year or so, I’ve made an effort to buy higher quality pieces that will last for many years to come.


If it’s Uncomfortable, it Needs to Go

As I held each piece of clothing in my hands, I noticed that there were a lot of clothes I just hated wearing. I hated wearing mini skirts that had to be pulled down when I was sitting because they were so short. I basically got rid of any clothes that had to constantly be adjusted when I was wearing them because when I thought about it, I always felt ultra self conscious in these pieces.

Don’t Make Excuses for the Clothes You Never Wear

Even though I donate clothes every six months, I held on to a lot of clothes because I thought “I’ll probably wear that later”. These pieces I was making excuses for hadn’t been worn in YEARS and I was never going to wear them. If you don’t love it the first time you put it on, you’re not going to love it later.


Organizing By Color and Item is Effective

The first time I “Marie Kondo-ed” my closet, I organized all my clothing by item and color. That was about four years ago and I am still abiding by the same system because IT WORKS! Color coordinating a closet sounds time consuming, but it’s a task you should only have to do once. If you hang your clothes using this system every time you do laundry, the clothes will hang up in relatively the same spot as they always do. This system ensures that you know where every piece in your closet is when you’re looking for it.


Spring Cleaning

Outfit Details:

Similar Abercrombie and Fitch Blouse (on sale for $30)

ASTR the Label Larson Pants (on sale for $88)

Similar GC Shoes Heels ($50)


Are you spring cleaning your closet this year? Do you have pieces in your wardrobe that don’t “spark joy”?


  1. Carina | 3rd May 20

    Such a great post!

    Carina | https://carinazz.blogspot.com/

  2. M | 4th May 20

    Ooh I feel super inspired to take a look through my wardrobe and make a substantial shopping list of items I actually need. One thing I’ve learned in quarantine is my lack of warm sweatshirts, since weather is getting colder. I’ve realised that I’m really lacking in more casual wear too… especially since we have nowhere to wear the fancier stuff. One good way of organising your closet is to hang everything up! which I started doing this year. It’s an easy way of keeping inventory on all your items without letting things go out of control.


  3. Liz | 4th May 20

    Spring is one of the best times of a year for wardrobe de-cluttering.
    Thank you for sharing your reorganizing experience with us 🙂
    Lots of love, stay safe ♥ January Girl

  4. Jennifer | 4th May 20

    I need to go back to organizing by colour! It helps.

    Effortlessly Sophisticated

    • Jill Gilbert | 5th May 20

      Organizing by color is so effective for me! It really does make a huge difference when you’re trying to find things.

  5. Margot | 4th May 20

    I also love to organize my clothes by colors. It’s so cheerful when I open my closet. 🙂
    And I also never have enough graphic tee-shirt.
    I think theses tee-shirts are just so fun to match with a lot of different bottoms.

    • Jill Gilbert | 5th May 20

      I really love organizing my closet by color too! I realized that my casual fashion isn’t always cute (especially during quarantine) so I think some cute graphic tees could really elevate my casual outfits! T shirts really are easy to restyle!

  6. Didier | 4th May 20

    You always look so good babe! I need to do some spring cleaning right now but I always have such attachment issues to my clothing lol.


    • Jill Gilbert | 5th May 20

      Ah thank you so much Didier! That means a lot. I felt exactly the same way, but I realized that I was never going to wear the things I hadn’t worn in years and I really wanted to have a closet full of pieces I love wearing!

  7. Mariann Yip | 4th May 20

    I can relate to your realization that fast fashion doesn’t last. I’m actually making a drastic shift to minimalism and to sustainable clothing!


    • Jill Gilbert | 5th May 20

      It’s really hard to break away from fast fashion. I always see adds for cute fast fashion that are really tempting, but I am trying my best to buy pieces that will last for many years to come. I love that you’re shifting to sustainable clothing too!

  8. SundayDahlias | 4th May 20

    My spring cleaning has shown me that impulse buying really doesn’t work! And also that I need more basics as well!


  9. Jenelle | 5th May 20

    I love doing a good wardrobe clear out too. And choosing to shop from brands that make quality pieces to last in the most sustainable way is a great shift. It’s so nice to take stock and gear toward buying those items missing that you know you will use for years instead of just trend based as well. Hope you are doing well in iso! xx Jenelle | inspiringwit.com

    • Jill Gilbert | 5th May 20

      Thank you Jenelle. It really is such a satisfying experience to get rid of the clothes that are no longer serving you well anymore! I really won’t miss the clothing I donated. Cleaning out my closet really showed me what brands last me a long time too so I can shop more from brands that last.

  10. Monica Hein | 5th May 20

    I need to clean my closet soon 🙂 It getting overflown 🙂 Beautiful spring pictures tho and loving the outfit


    • Jill Gilbert | 5th May 20

      Thank you Monica! Cleaning out my closet cleared up SO MUCH space! I was shocked at how much clothing I was able to get rid of! I have a pretty small closet so the added space is super refreshing.

  11. Nadya | 5th May 20

    I’ve been meaning to do the same for a month now but it’s really hard for me to part with old favourites. Your post inspired me to finally do it!

    • Jill Gilbert | 5th May 20

      If you love them, no need to give them away! 🙂 There were so many clothes I was able to let go of and now my closet is filled with things I love. I hope the closet cleaning goes well!

  12. Anuli | 5th May 20

    These photos are gorgeous. I keep procrastinating regarding spring cleaning my closet. https://kaynuli.com/albina-dyla-dresses/

    • Jill Gilbert | 5th May 20

      Thank you so much Anuli! I really procrastinated spring cleaning my closet too, but then all of the sudden, I had a burst of energy to get it done and I’m so happy I finally did it!

  13. Jules | 5th May 20

    These are great suggestions and the pictures are stunning! Love the outfit! 🙂


    • Jill Gilbert | 5th May 20

      Thank you so much Jules! That means a lot!

  14. FASHION TALES | 5th May 20

    As a child my mum always had us declutter or purge items from our closet. I have tried some of the Marie’s methods and loved the ones I have implemented. Lovely photos. <3

    • Jill Gilbert | 5th May 20

      Marie Kondo’s methods really are life changing! I’ve been able to get rid of my much stuff I no longer love to make more space in my home (and closet in this case). My mom always made me get rid of the things that didnt fit me anymore when I was a kid too!

  15. April Nunez | 6th May 20

    OMG! I really love your outfit, you look so fab. Stay safe dear.

    April of: https://thepromdichic.wordpress.com/

    • Jill Gilbert | 7th May 20

      Thank you so much April! I really appreciate that!

  16. Lovely | 6th May 20

    All these are wonderful suggestions, these pictures are beautiful!


  17. Nina | 6th May 20

    Woow dear! I’m total in love with your pictures, great job!
    Have a nice day! xx

    La ilusión de Nina – http://lailusiondenina.blogspot.com/

    • Jill Gilbert | 8th May 20

      Thank you so much Nina! I really appreciate that! 🙂

  18. Makeup Muddle | 6th May 20

    Such a cute outfit! I love a good declutter in the spring xo

    Gemma | Makeup Muddle

  19. Des | itsbetterinheels | 7th May 20

    I did a deep clean of my wardrobe earlier in quarantine (seeing as I had very little to do) and got rid of quite a bit of stuff. I really wanted to narrow down my wardrobe and it forced me to part ways with items I kept saying, “I can wear this later,” to. Oh and you’re totally right, pants and shorts are difficult for me to shop for to, it’s never consistent! I love the photos in this post!! You are killing it! Stay safe doll!

    Des | https://www.itsbetterinheels.com

    • Jill Gilbert | 8th May 20

      Thank you Des! I have definitely found myself doing a lot of spring cleaning during quarantine. This is such a great time to get things checked off our to do list that we don’t normally have time for. I just realized that I’ve literally never worn the pieces I made so many excuses for so I was finally ready to part with them!

  20. Patricia | 7th May 20

    The post is so inspiring, I wrote something similar back in 2012 but changed my mind on some points during the years. I think it’s not so bad to shop at H&M if you look for good fabrics and simple cuts, ASOS on the other hand always disappoints me. But I think H&M won over the years, I got some things from 2010 in perfect condition with a natural fibre, wich surprised me very much, honestly. Another shop that always leaves me disappointed after one season is ZARA I think the quality is the worst I ever came across. Thats why I now try to shop less and think about a shopping ban from June, an give up shopping new thing completely, and only allow myself to buy clothes that are on my “wishlist”, which are things missing in my wardrobe, like a beautiful white summer dress and a pair of sandals I could wear forever, both things are missing in my wardrobe at the moment. Which leads me to, cleaning my wardrobe once again would be very good. I always ask myself during so, would I buy this item again? If the answer is no, it needs to go. So thank you so much darling for your inspiring post, I’ll spring clean my closet ASAP.

    Bisou from Berlin

    • Jill Gilbert | 8th May 20

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me Patricia! ASOS clothing is often really disappointing… I had a bodysuit that tore the third time I wore it and I was like, why did I even waste my money on this! I try to avoid Zara as well. Fast fashion pieces are really cute and tempting, but I’m just going to try to avoid them for the most part because they are never as good as they look on the website and they’re so harmful to the environment. I definitely think there are some good quality pieces like you say from H&M, but it’s always a gamble when online shopping. I love that you are giving yourself a shopping ban! What a great way to be more sustainable and buy pieces you truly love. Thank you for your thoughtful comment <3

  21. Radi | 8th May 20

    Jill recently I spring cleaned my closet as well and wow there were so many clothes I haven’t touched. It kind of shocked me.
    These photos are so beautiful. I love you make-up here!
    Thank you for your sweetest comments <3 Radi


    • Jill Gilbert | 9th May 20

      Thank you Radi! I really liked how this makeup look came out 🙂 It’s crazy that we’re always saying “I have nothing to wear” when we have a closet full of clothes we never wear! I’m hope you had a good spring cleaning session as well 🙂

  22. Mercy | 8th May 20

    You look pretty and the photos are really good. I’ve been cleaning and sorting my wardrobe too like clothes, bags and shoes, and it’s in my 2nd previous post in my blog. I haven’t read Marie Kondo’s method, maybe I will one day for more ideas. Wish you showed how you arrange your closet for inspiration.


    • Jill Gilbert | 9th May 20

      Thank you Mercy! Spring cleaning is such a great thing to do during quarantine. We often put off tasks during the busy buzz of normal life, but now we have lots of time to get those tasks done. I highly recommend Marie Kondo’s book “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. She gives great tips on organization and decluttering.

  23. Kinga | 8th May 20

    You look absolutely stunning ♥

  24. Nancy | 9th May 20

    It is great that you took advantage of this time to clean out your closet. I learned so much from Marie Kondo! YESSSS on learning what the real essentials are. Sometimes, we buy extra things that we don’t need that ends up being junk in the future. I have a love-hate relationship with fast fashion. I hate that they don’t even last. Oooh I should maybe look into organizing by color. I organize by type at this time :). Thanks for sharing!

    Nancy ♥ exquisitely.me

    • Jill Gilbert | 11th May 20

      Marie Kondo is such a genius! It really blew my mind how much clothing I’ve just collected over the years that I don’t truly love. Fast fashion is such a tough choice. I often spot fast fashion pieces that look so cute and I’ve been looking for a similar piece, but I know it won’t last. I wish sustainable fashion was more affordable… 🙁 Organizing by color is so helpful! I can always find what piece I’m looking for!

  25. Jyoti | 9th May 20

    You are such a beauty! Love these pictures! Nice Post! Have a great day!

  26. Natalia | 10th May 20

    Love your outfit! I agree completely! Very few things give you the feeling of a clean closet!

    • Jill Gilbert | 11th May 20

      Thank you Natalia! Now my closet is full of pieces I love and I know what I’m missing!

  27. monika | 10th May 20

    At the beginning I thought it’s a jumpsuit: D You combined this really lovely! : ** Regards

    • Jill Gilbert | 11th May 20

      Haha the colors really did look that same! The fabric of the shirt is more silky than the pants, but it was a perfect color match.

  28. Eena | 10th May 20

    First off, I am loving your outfit! And second, I agree with you this post. If something’s uncomfortable, let it go – there’s definitely no need to be uncomfortable with anything or anyone!

    cabin twenty-four

    • Jill Gilbert | 11th May 20

      Thank you so much Eena! I held on to so many pieces that I didn’t truly love over the years. Now that I’ve gotten rid of them, I don’t miss them at all!

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