5 Tips for Using Instagram in a Healthy Way

Paranoia surrounding Instagram and technology in general seems to be high these days so I thought I’d write a guide about using Instagram in a healthy way.

Last semester, I wrote a paper for one of my classes about how Instagram affected young women’s body image. I read about ten different research papers gathering evidence for my topic and I found a similar trend amongst most of the research that Instagram negatively affects the body image of young women.

Aside from body image, another concerning problem with technology is that many people tend to constantly be on their phones, ignoring the outside world.

However, despite these problems, we continue to use Instagram! Constantly! So as a lover of Instagram and a brand new blogger, I’m here to tell you that there are ways to use the app in a healthy way because even after all the research I read, I wasn’t about to quit using Instagram either.


Tips for Using Instagram in a Healthy Way:

-Use Instagram as a Highlights Reel

I’ve seen a lot of posts on Instagram discussing how the app is a highlights reel and that it sets unrealistic expectations for everyday life. I have no arguments against this, but why does a “highlights reel” have to be a bad thing. If you’re about to use Instagram as your highlights reel, this starts with turning to your own feed. To use your feed as a tool for mindfulness, post things that make you happy! Whether its pictures from a vacation, a good night with your friends, or a cool nature photo, posting images that you love can be a great opportunity to practice gratitude for the little things that make you happy.


-Remember that Instagram Isn’t Reality

Going off my last point, it’s good to remember that Instagram truly is a highlights reel and as users we just have to be aware of that. Life isn’t perfect and that’s okay! People rarely post about their failures or the dull parts of their work or school day because these parts of everyday life aren’t glamorous or fun. Looking at my own account, my images are always planned. I do my hair and makeup, pick out an outfit, and we go out and get some fun images, but I certainly don’t look like that everyday. Anytime I’m actually sharing a photo on my feed I’m either in my pjs on the couch or at school trying to stay awake lol.


-Talk About Instagram

Have you ever seen (or been) that group of friends that goes out to lunch and sits around the table silently looking at their phones? Chances are, they’re checking a social media app (probably Instagram). If you’re with your friends and you’re aware of this happening, this a great time to discuss what you’re actually seeing on your feed. If you see a cool picture, show you friends and talk about it! You might even find that nothing on your feed is interesting enough to spark a discussion and this is probably a sign that it’s time to put your phones down.

My boyfriend and I have designated “Phone Time” where we both look at our phones and we put the feed discussion rule in action. When one of us no longer wants to do “Phone Time”, we both put our phones away. You can use “Phone Time” with your partner, friends, or really whoever!

Another way to talk about Instagram is discussing what you see on the feeds of your friends, family, and casual acquaintances. I personally hate small talk (classic introvert lol) and I can never seem to find something to talk about. If I’m talking to someone who I’ve recently seen a vacation post from, it’s really easy to strike up a conversation about their trip (see ya later, weather convo).


-Carefully Chose the People You Follow

If you find yourself constantly comparing your life or body to someone on Instagram, it might be time to unfollow that person. Instagram shouldn’t be making you feel bad about yourself under any circumstances. On my account, I follow a really diverse set women who have different skin tones, body shapes, jobs, etc. If your feed only has one type of person on it, you’re missing out on the stories others have to share.

Also try to take your daily activities into account and follow people similar to you. For example, I didn’t used to follow any fitness accounts until I started going to the gym this semester. I didn’t follow them because I just wasn’t in a place where I was ready to make time to go to the gym and get stronger. Now that I go to the gym a couple times a week, I follow more fitness accounts for ideas on what to do while I’m there because their content applies to me.


-Know When it’s Time to Get Off the App

This one is kind of obvious and relates to my “Phone Time” rule, but there really is a time to enjoy the app and a time to savor wherever you are. I think it’s totally fine to take pictures and post on your stories as long as you aren’t doing this the whole time you’re out. Just find your balance.

If you find yourself comparing your body or your life to other people on Instagram, this is a great opportunity to get off your phone. I totally understand that it’s easy to feel unsatisfied with your life when you feel like everyone is out doing fun things, but this really is a time to go out and do fun things yourself! Go for a hike, go get ice cream, or spend time with the people who are special to you. Really just go do the things you love instead of refreshing your feed a million times.


I hope these tips help you! 🙂 What ways do you try to use Instagram in a healthy way?

P.S. I’ll do an outfit post on this look soon!


  1. Candy | 23rd Apr 19

    Great post! I have a love/hate relationship with Instagram and feel that most feeds are overly curated. I’m trying to only follow accounts that focus on positivity and that I actually enjoy.

    • Jill Gilbert | 25th Apr 19

      Yes, Instagram can definitely be tough sometimes. That’s a great rule to follow when choosing which accounts you truly want to see on your feed!

  2. Rach | 24th Apr 19

    Honestly, I don’t put on too much effort on Instagram. It’s a great tool, but I just don’t consume too much on it! But I can totally see how these tips would help others!


    • Jill Gilbert | 25th Apr 19

      That’s great that you’re mindful about how much you use Instagram!

  3. Anna Piper | 7th May 19

    This is definitely a great perspective. Social media can come with so much negative pressure, so it’s important to only use it in a positive way!

    -Anna // https://theyoungeclectic.com

    • Jill Gilbert | 7th May 19

      I totally agree! Because so many people are using social media, I think we need to learn ways to use it in a healthy way because no one is about to stop using it! Thanks for reading 🙂

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